Songs and Chants in Praise of the Many Names of God
"God is one, but the wise call God by many names." — The Vedas
Bhajans are devotional songs in praise of the many divine
aspects of God. In Sanskrit, the root bhaj has various meanings
including seeking, worship, and prayer, and the word is also related to
bhakti, devotion. More in North India than the South,
call-and-response bhajans are referred to as kirtan.
Shivabalayogi’s public programs consisted of an hour of meditation followed by an hour of bhajans. During the bhajans, Shri Swamiji gives various spiritual experiences. He would explain that the energies evoked through the devotion and the bhajans is the same as that from meditation.
Here are links to bhajans and sacred chants, their text and translations, and music files available for download without charge.
Recordings of Spiritual Chants
free downloads
Shivabalayogi chants Om Namah Shivaya.
108 names of Shivabalayogi — The complete Sanskrit words with English translations including downloads of two recordings of this "Garland of 108 Names".
Bhajan Recordings
free downloads
Bhajans on Shivabalayogi — Links to many bhajans on Shivabalayogi, the Shivabalayogi arthi, and downloads of their recordings.
Bhajan Bhakti — A three-CD collection of studio-recorded bhajans. Each CD serves as a kirtan -- an hour of divine song for a meditation and bhajan program in the way that Shivabalayogi encouraged devotees to play and sing.
The fourth CD of the Bhajan Bhakti collection contains
chants, including the 108 names of Shivabalayogi and Shivabalayogi’s own voice
chanting om namah shivaya namaha.
Adivarapupeta Bhajans — Bhajans recorded at the Shivabalayogi ashram in Adivarapupeta.
Bangalore Bhajans — Bhajans recorded at the Shivabalayogi ashram in Bangalore.
Dehradun Bhajans — Bhajans recorded at the Shivabalayogi ashram in Dehradun.
Om Shiva — The studio recorded, extended bhajan by Azul.
Om Guru Sharanam — Studio recorded extended bhajan.
Additional Resources
See also the following archive resource:
Shivabalayogi on Bhajans — Audio recording of Shivabalayogi explaining bhajans and bhava samadhi.
For detailed information on bhajans and the spiritual
experiences they can evoke,
go to the bhava samadhi
pages of the web site.