INDEX page │
Read more about Shivabalayogi in these books:
A concise account of his life and blessings, available in bookstores and online.
Comprehensive collection of history, experiences,
conversations & photographs
Originally published in India at Swamiji's direction.
You can read and download these complete, published biographies online:
Sri Shivabalayogi (1968)
by Prof. S. K. Ramachandra Rao
Spiritual Ministration (1981)
By Lt. Gen. Hanut Singh
Quotes from the Source
is a Shivabalayogi reader, arranged by topics,
taken from conversations with Shivabalayogi.
Read what Shivabalayogi said about such subjects as
You can read each page in sequence, beginning with the first:
Shivabalayogi on Shivabalayogi
Shivabalayogi’s Words
Although he gave no public discourse and wrote no book, Shivabalayogi often engaged in informal conversations and occasional newspaper, radio or television interviews, both in India and abroad. A few of his many informal conversations were recorded, and together with the media, there is a substantial record of his teachings.
Shivabalayogi encouraged questions. Even at public programs, after the bhajans, everyone was given the opportunity to ask him questions. When he answered, it was apparent that he was eager to communicate understanding, particularly on such subjects as yogis, spiritual leaders, religion, meditation, and bhava samadhi.
He encouraged these conversations to be published, together with his biography and devotees’ experiences, in the books Tapas Shakti, Divine Play, and Swamiji’s Treasure.
Quotes from the Source offers the reader an understanding of some of what Shivabalayogi would like us to know. As he often said in English, “Understand now?”
“You can ask your questions freely. He is going to give you answers openly and very clearly. You need not have doubts.”
Swamiji, where do your answers come from? From your mind, or Shiva?
“No no. No Shiva, no mind. Buddhi [intellect; inner wisdom]. It’s from his intelligence. As soon as you asked the question, he gets the answer in his buddhi and then he gives you the answer.”
“He is a yogi and he knows. If you meditate well, you can answer questions like that. There’s no need to learn or think anything. It automatically comes.”
“You have to experience the truth yourself. How can you believe Swamiji’s experiences? You should experience and know yourself.”