Bhajans on Shivabalayogi
Free Downloads of Bhajans on Shivabalayogi
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and recordings
for chants and bhajans:
GARLAND A Garland of 108 Names of Shivabalayogi
CHANTS Opening and Closing Chants
ARTHI Arthi to Shivabalayogi
balayogi shankara jaya abhayankara
parvati priya suta bheemana thanaya
shri balayogisha mamu kapadu dhara hasa
o mahayogisha rava shivayogisha rava
shivayogi shanaram balayogi sharanam
om shiva (by Azul)
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BHAJAN BHAKTI page, which has chants and
including on Ganesha, Shivabalayogi, Shiva, Rama, Krishna, and
the Divine Mother.
Balayogi Shankara Jaya Abhayankara
(shiva) bala yogi shankara, jaya abhayankara
shiva shambo haraye, shiva shambo hara hey
(shiva) bala yogi shankara, jaya abhayankara
jaya gangadhara, jaya bimbadhara
baaghambarah dhara hey, baaghambarah dhara hey
(viagrambhara dhara hey, viagrambhara dhara hey)
Balayogi is our beloved Swamiji. Shankara, Shiva, Shambho are names of God Shankara. “Abhaya” is a word meaning protection. Abhayankara, the protector is the giver of refuge. “Hey” is the word used when we address the Lord with veneration and in humility, or when we call on Him for protection. Gangadhara means adorned with the Ganges River, Bimbadhara means adorned with the moon, and Baaghambara (Sanskrit Viagrambara) dhara means adorned with the tiger skin.
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balayogi shankara
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ananda sagara yogi devara
satya dharma shanti rupa bala yogi, shiva bala yogi
sarva dayalu, gyana data
jai jai shiva yogi, jaya gurudeva sad gurudeva
Ocean (sagara) of bliss (ananda), Yogi God, You are truth (satya) and righteousness (dharma) and your form (rupa) is peace (shanti). You forgive all (sarva dayalu) and bestow knowledge (gyana data), Bala Yogi, Shivabalayogi.
DOWNLOAD recording
of ananda sagara.
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manasa bhajare guru sharanam
dustara bhava sagara taranam
guru maharaj, guru jai jai
jai shiva bala yogi guru jai jai
jai shiva bala yogi sadguru jai
om namah shivaya, shivaya namah om
arunachala shiva aruna shiv om
omkara jai shiva bala yogi namah om
Worship (bhajare) the Lord, oh mind (manasa). Guru I surrender (sharanam) at Your feet. You help us cross the worldly (bhava) ocean (sagara) of life and death. Glory to Shivabalayogi Guru, the true Guru (sadguru). Worship Shiva, who dwells on the mountain Arunachala. Glory to Shivabalayogi, hail to the word Om.
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manasa bhajare
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Parvati Priya Suta Bheemana Thanaya
parvati priya suta bheemana tanaya
shivabalayogi pita maheshwara
praneshwara parameshwara ardhanarishwara
adivarapupeta avatara purusha
Beloved son of Parvati and son of Bheemana; Shivabalayogi our beloved father Shiva. Shri Swamiji is the lord of “prana” is the spiritual life current, or he is as beloved to us as our own life. He is the lord of our lives. “Parama” is supreme and “ishwara” is lord. Ardhanarishwara is the lord who fully combines both male and female aspects of God. This refers to Lord Shiva and Goddess Parvati merging into Shri Swamiji’s body (his left and right sides respectively) when he successfully completed twelve years tapas in August of 1961. This is also the meaning of his name Shiva-Bala-Yogi, Bala being one of the names of Goddess Parvati. In India it is widely believed that God incarnates on earth for the establishment of peace and dharma (the right path). Such beings are called avatars. “Purusha” means person, but here is addressed to the creator who descended to earth, so both avatar and purusha have the same meaning. Shivabalayogi is the avatara purusha of Adivarapupeta (the village where he was born and did tapas).
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parvati priya, Dehradun version
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godavari teera shivabalayogi
shankara darshana balya tapasvi
uma maheshwara karuna sagara
shivabalayogi omkareshwara
(kailasa pati shiva omkareshwara)
On the banks (teera) of the River Godavari, Lord Shankara gave darshan to Shivabalayogi in childhood and he became a tapasvin. Uma (Goddess Parvati), Lord Shankara, ocean (sagara) of kindness (karuna). Shivabalayogi is Lord of the word Om.
![]() Bhajan Bhakti A version |
![]() Dehradun version |
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shri balayogeesha, mamu kapadu darahasa
nee momu chooda nityanandamu ra
ma janma phalamera
shanti swaroopa satya niroopa
mamu brova ravela balayogeesha
padirendu endlu nee tapamu chooda
paramatma neevera
kali badha teerchi kapada rava
dari jercha jaagela shree balaeesha
parameshwara priya bhaktavadheeya
bhavaharana ravera
sugyana deepa ma janma kalpa
v. surya rao nu ehamandu brova
Shri Balayogisha, protect us, great soul. our face seeing ever happiness brings good karma to our lives. Form of peace, the formless truth embrace us, come O Balayogisha. For twelve year your tapas, only you seeing great soul. The pain of Kali [yuga] save and relieve us, take us to the shore and awaken us, Shri Balaisha. Great Ishwara, endeared by devotees in the power, come. Good knowledge, creator of light of our lives, from now take me, V. Surya Rao [who wrote the bhajan].
![]() Adivarapupeta version |
![]() Bhajan Bhakti version |
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o mahayogeesha rava, shivayogeesha rava
daiva swaroopa, deenaraksha
[deevenaleeyaga rava]
o mahayogeesha rava, shivayogeesha rava
paramapurusha pavanaroopa [rava deva]
jagatiki neeve, pragatiga velasina [rava deva]
gyanamu neeve, mokshamu neeve [rava deva]
(shivaya namah om namah shivaya)
O great Lord of Yogis come, great Lord Shivayogi come. Divine form, protector of
the vulnerable. [Giver of blessings come.] The supreme man, the form of giving.
[Come, Lord.] For the world you establish progress. You are knowledge, you are
Don’t forget Ramlingeshwa Rao (who wrote the bhajan).
DOWNLOAD recording of
o mahayogisha rava, Adivarapupeta recording
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om bhagavan, om bhagavan, om bhagavan, balayogi bhagavan
rama bhagavan, krishna bhagavan, rama bhagavan, shiva shankara bhagavan
jesus bhagavan, buddha bhagavan, allah bhagavan, shiva shankara bhagavan
atma bhagavan, paramatma bhagavan, atma bhagavan, paramatma bhagavan
yogi bhagavan, balayogi bhagavan, yogi bhagavan, shivayogi bhagavan
balayogi, balayogi, balayogi om,
balayogi balayogi balayogi om
shiva shiva hara hara, hara hara shiva shiva
hara hara shiva shiva shiva shiva hara hara
God supreme (bhagavan), Rama, Krishna, Shiva, Jesus, Buddha, Allah, Soul (atma), Shivabalayogi, You are all Bhagavan.
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om bhagavan, Bangalore recording
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jaya gurudeva shivabalayogi sharana thumare agayaji prahbu sharana thumare agaya
viagrambara dhara singha simasana
para shiva shankara parvati rupa
jaya jagadishwara jagado dwaraka
ardhanareeshwara avatara purusha
guru parameshwara gaurangadhari
gangajata dhara chandra viraje
bambam hara hara bhava bhaya hari
gyana data guru shantih pradata
Great god-guru Shivabalayogi, I surrender to you (sharana thumare), come lord (agayaji
You wear tiger cloth (viagrambara dhara), the lion is your throne (singha
simasana, i.e Devi). You are the Shiva that is beyond this world (para) and the
manifestation of Parvati (parvati rupa). / Lord of the universe (jagadishwara),
you elevate the universe (jagado dwaraka). Both male and female (ardhanareeshwara),
an incarnated divine soul (avatara purusha). / Supreme lord and guru, your body
is white in color (gaurangadhari; i.e. Shiva whose body is smeared with white
ash, vibhuti). You wear the River Ganges in your matted hair (gangajata dhara)
and the moon as an ornament (chandra viraje). / “Bam bam” is the sound of Shiva
dancing. You destroy the fear of this material world (bhava bhaya hari). You
bestow knowledge (gyana data) and give peace (shanti pradata).
![]() Bhajan Bhakti C version |
![]() Bhajan Bhakti C version Bangalore version |
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Awo Awo Swami, Come Oh Come Oh Swami
awo awo swami, prabhu awo awo swami
hrudaye mandire mei, awo swami
awo awo swami, prabhu awo awo swami
darshan dhyo, prabhu paapa vinashaka
satya swarupa awo swami
prema swarupa awo swami
shiva bala yogi awo
Come oh Come oh Swami, Lord come oh come oh Swami
In the temple of my heart, come to me oh Swami
Come oh come oh Swami, Lord come oh come oh Swami
Lord give me darshan and wash away my sins
Form of truth come to me oh Swami
Form of love come to me oh Swami
Shiva Bala Yogi come to me oh Swami
DOWNLOAD recording of
awo awo swami.
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Shivayogi Sharanam Balayogi Sharanam
shivayogi sharanam, balayogi sharanam
shivayogi sharanam, balayogi sharanam
sharanam sharanam shri shivayogi sharanam
ardhanarishwara shivayogi sharanam
. . .
avatara purusha, shivayogi sharanam
. . .
sadgurudeva shivayogi sharanam
. . .
balayogishwara nee divya sharanam
. . .
We surrender (sharanam) to Shiva Yogi, Balayogi, both male and female (ardhanarishwara), the incarnation of a divine soul (avatara purusha), the true guru (sadgurudeva). We surrender to your divine (nee divya) protection (sharanam) or feet (charanam).
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of shivayogi sharanam.
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shivayogi deva ravela, mahayogi deva ravela, ravela, jagela, ravela, jagela
[jai maharaja, shiva maharaja yogi swaroopa ravela]
shivayogi deva ravela, mahayogi deva ravela, ravela, jagela, ravela, jagela
niratamu nee nama smarane, mari mari jeseda o deva
adivarapupeta nivasa
[abhaya swaroopa ravela]
neelakanta ninnera apadbandhava, ravera
apada mokkula swami rava
[abhaya swaroopa vegame rava]
jagat jatadhara gangadhara, jagamula nele o deva
nee padabhaktula mora vina rava
[abhaya swaroopa vegame rava]
Lord Shivayogi come, great Lord Yogi come, come , awaken, come awaken. [Hail great king, Shiva great king, in the form of yogi come] Again and again I always remember your name, O lord. Native of Adivarapupeta, form of protection, come. Blue-throated one [reference to Shiva who drank the poison of the ocean, causing His throat to turn blue, “nila kanta”] it’s you, come O releaser-of-troubles You who free us from troubles [or you who grants boons], come Swami. You who are the form of protection, speedily come. You wear the world as your hair [“jata”], you bear the Ganges, the ruler of the world, O lord. Devotees pray at your feet, hear and come.
![]() Adivarapupeta version |
![]() Bhajan Bhakti version |
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shivabalayogi tapasvi maharaja ki jaya jaya ho
maharaja ki jaya jaya ho maharaja ki jaya jaya ho
khade ghor tapasya ki hai veerana parva me
namah shivaye ka japa
(om) sada raqha hai maname
khusha ho kar shankarajine vara daan diya yogi ko
saba jaga kalyaniko
avatar liya hai jaga me
Shivabalayogi has done tapas at a young age. He always chanted namah shivaya in his mind. Pleased with him, Shankara blessed him with boons. He has taken birth in this world for the benefit of the universe.
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shiva hara gurudeva, shivabalayogi pyara naam hai
Shiva and Hara (Destroyer) are names of Lord Shankara. Shiva is guru, whose name is Shivabalayogi, which name (naam) is (hai) is sweet and loving (pyara).
DOWNLOAD recording of shiva hara gurudeva.
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