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Shivabalayogi Bangalore  

Requirements for Tapas

“What you have to do is meditate.  There is no other requirement to do tapas.  After some time you will get into samadhi.  Once you attain samadhi then the tapas automatically begins.”

“It is not necessary to give up the household relationship to do tapas.  Automatically you will get a detachment as you keep practicing.  Then you will go into samadhi.  You can join each other afterwards.  You can still love each other.  Let us say you are doing tapas.  Your husband can serve you.  Then once you have finished tapas you can serve your husband.”

“This has happened in history.  The great sages used to do this.  It is not written down anywhere that you have to leave each other and neither does Swamiji advise you to be separate from each other.”

“The ancient sages and saints used to lead the life of a householder.  They used to take care of children.  They used to have families.  Still they used to do the tapas.  You understand now?”

“Not all of us can do tapas.  That is why Swamiji was chosen.  If you want to do it then he is ready to make you do it.  However, you should not run away for the next twelve years.  Tapas means it has to be done for twelve years.”

“Not all of us can do tapas.  That is why Swamiji was chosen.  If you want to do it then he is ready to make you do it.  However, you should not run away for the next twelve years.  Tapas means it has to be done for twelve years.”

Do we all become yogis, sooner or later?

“It depends upon God; whomever God chooses.”

More about Shivabalayogi's Tapas.


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Divine Play:   Shivabalayogi’s life and blessings, 290 pages and over a hundred photos.  Generally available in bookstores and online.

Swamiji’s Treasure:  The most comprehensive collection of biography, experiences, conversations & photographs of Shivabalayogi.

Tapas Shakti:  Published at Swamiji’s request in India, January of 1992.  Contains his biography, conversations & experiences.