Sri Shivabalayogi
Important Events in the Yogi’s Life - Birth Chart
by Prof. S. K. Ramachandra Rao
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Sri Shivabalayogi (1968)
1. Birth in Adivarapupeta, 24th January 1935
2. Father’s bereavement, July 1937
3. Divine experience on the canal bund of Godavari, 7th August 1949
4. Visit to Pasalapudi Ashram, October 1949
5. Beginning of tapas in the burial ground, 18th November 1949
6. Construction of Dhyan Mandir, October 1950
7. First meeting with Tapaswiji Maharaj, January 1951
8. Commencement of tapas facing North, 28th October 1950
9. Commencement of tapas facing West, 7th August 1955
10. Bitten by coiled serpent, 12th October 1955
11. Attaining total Samadhi, May 1956
12. Commencement of tapas facing South, 25th July 1956
13. Completion of Yuga tapas, 7th August 1961
14. Quenching of the thirst of Rakthakali, 19th January, 1962
15. Installation of Shiva Linga, 25th February, 1962
16. Arrival at Vishnu Ashram at Nandi Hills, 1st April 1963
17. Arrival at Doddaballapura, 20th April 1963
18. Establishment of the ashram near the Dairy Farm in Bangalore, 7th August 1963
19. Month-long samadhi, July 1 to August 7, 1964
20. Starting on tours, 14th August 1964
Shivabalayogi’s birth charts, as published in Sri Shivabalayogi (1968)
Sri Sathyaraju, son of Allaka Bhimanna, was born on Thursday the 24th January 1935 at 2:45 p.m. on the 5th day of the New Moon in Gemini Lagna, third phase of Uttara star. (Bhavanama Samvagsara, Pushya Masa, Krishna Paksha Panchami, Thursday at 20 Ghalige 50 Vyghalige, Uttara Nakshatra, third phase, Mithuna Lagna.)
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