Spiritual Science, the Path to Bliss
Spiritual Science
The Path to Bliss — Chapter X (continued)
Life Story of Author and Spiritual Experiences
by B. S. Lamba
by B. S. Lamba
PAGE 1 — Life Story of Shivabalayogi
PAGE 2 — Lamba meets Shivabalayogi
PAGE 3 — Lamba’s Experiences
PAGE 4 — Experiences of Bhava
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(PDF contains additional material,
including Lamba’s complete Preface.)
Experiences of Bhava Samadhi
. . . The Inner Controller controls emotions. I am made to weep while reciting the Shabdas and then during Kumbhaka the working of the forces of transformation is most remarkable; name of God is carried to the root of every hair. When I go to any religious place, gurudwara or temple, there is a pull on the heart and the forces begin to play and all the physical movements even putting each footstep, are under His control — I am completely possessed by Him.
The religious music or “Kirtan” and Bhajans bring the divine force to work in the physical and subtle bodies in perfect rhythm when the body moves rhythmically further develops into divine trance, He Himself controlling all the moves in a most perfect and bewildering manner. The body has become a perfect instrument or channel for the working of the Divine Force.
Further, He has taught me the method to transform others by passing the spiritual Force in their bodies through Sahasrara [chakra at the top of the head] or brow centres of energy. As the spiritual Force has for its mission to bring harmony in their bodies and put them in communion with Him, it acts on their mind. It acts on different individuals according to their stage of spiritual development. As most people are not born spiritually, it helps to bring about the same. The action is on their soul.
Those who are receptive enough feel the current passing through their body by the touch of my hand; in some it produces weeping; in some the soul responds by move of their body; in some the pranayam is started; in some the static force at the bottom of the back bone begins to uncoil or rise up; some begin to get darshans of their Isht-Devata in various forms. In fact there is a huge diversity in which the Divine Force as directed by Him through my body acts on others.
The process is such that the Divine Force can be sent anywhere in the world to do any job. The Sudarshan Chakra of Lord Sri Krishna was a symbol of this very force.
The spiritual force under His direction is used for healing. Disease is a disharmony in the physical body when any part of its machinery does not move in tune with the rest. When I am made to direct the spiritual force on the particularly diseased part or on the whole physical system of an individual through any one of the chakras (usually the top two), it brings about the desired harmony and the disease is cured. This is no miracle, but the application of Spiritual Science about which this World is ignorant. This has been tried even to restore eye sight to two individuals; but this happened in the vicinity of my satguru at Adivarampeta. Some of the incurable diseases like Cancer have been cured.
In collective “Kirtans” I have been made to spiritualise hundreds of people at one time and direct additional spiritual force on those diseased. But it is all under His direction and I can never practise the healing; He Himself selects anybody and then I am made to direct the spiritual forces. . . .