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Shivabalayogi, some time towards the end or perhaps shortly after completing twelve years of tapas. For eight years he meditated at least twenty-three hours every day. Over those eight years, he mastered meditation in all four directions: east, north, west and south. He continued to meditate in samadhi for another four years in order to complete the twelve-year cycle of a complete tapas -- spiritual penance. Shivabalayogi sat in tapas not for himself, not even to attain realization. He did it because it was his duty. It was the direction of his Divine Guru. After twelve years, the Divine Guru declared Shivabalayogi's tapas complete. The twenty-six year old yogi was given the opportunity to obtain any boon he desired. Swamiji's response, in his own words, was, “I did not do this tapas on my own. You made me do this. Tell me why you made me do this tapas. Tell me what you want me to do. If you do not want me to do anything in particular, then I will return to my old life.” Significantly, Shivabalayogi asked for nothing. He had no desire for anything for himself. Such a selfless yogi, Swamiji explained, can become an agent of God. “If a person does tapas with a desire in mind and attains God realization, then that person can become god. Swamiji did not do tapas with any desire for himself. He was made to do tapas so he did not have any desire in mind when he had God realization. Under such circumstances, the person who does tapas becomes an agent of God and can serve all the people. Swamiji is an agent of God. He was chosen by God to be His agent and God trained him to do God’s work.” |