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Shivabalayogi in 1957. After eight years of tapas, he has mastered meditation facing all four cardinal directions (north, south, east & west). There was a great celebration of his accomplishment the day after his mastery of the fourth and final direction. One thousand and eight coconuts were broken in his honor in each of the four directions. This ceremony started at seven in the morning and finished by midnight. When it was over, Swamiji broke many years of mouna (silence) by chanting the sacred sound of aum. This experience was related by Kongara Chandaya Dora of Rajamundry: "During the dikh [directional] tapas, there was a procedure to change the direction of the guru. The dais itself had to be lifted up while Swamiji was seated on it and it had to be turned so Swamiji would face the new direction. The devotees who would do this were all instructed by Swamiji to fast for twenty-four hours before the time they changed direction." "We had to fast twenty-four hours from 6 a.m. to 6 a.m. beforehand. We would not even take water." "It was about ten at night. Each of the persons who lifted the dais to turn him to the new direction had to break 108 coconuts. Swamiji told us that the new direction he was to face would be the worst. It would be very bad and he would be put to a lot of tests. After we turned the table on which Swamiji was sitting, then only would we have a bath and take some breakfast." "I was witness to only one of these occasions. I know that in the next direction, the procedure was similar but not identical to the one I saw." |