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Shivabalayogi in 1952, after about three years of tapas.

He is meditating inside the Dhyana Mandir, the twelve-foot square, single room structure built to protect him from the elements and trouble-makers. He is sitting inside the second story gopuram (dome) that Tapaswiji Maharaj had constructed to help draw the intense tropical heat away from the meditation room. The arched window of the gopuram is visible.

From the book, Divine Play:

"By this time, Swamiji had endured severe physical disabilities for almost three years without complaint.  In the first year alone he lost control over his limbs.  It became impossible for him to take care of even the basic needs of bathing, attending to his bodily functions, or even lifting a cup to his lips.  Sometime in June of 1953, still shy of seventeen years of age, he got tired of it all, discontinued his meditation, and sat in a dejected mood."

"This brought the guru promptly onto the scene.  He knew what was troubling his strong-willed disciple, but nevertheless he asked in a teasing way what was the matter.  The young disciple described all his frustrations and difficulties resulting from his incapacitated limbs.  The guru listened, smiled, and as he ran his hands over the paralyzed arms and legs, they immediately became supple.  His limbs had been crippled for almost three years, but with the divine touch, he could move without assistance."

"The hands were the only parts of his body that were not restored.  Over the years, his fingers and joints had become permanently bent into the position in which he held them during meditation.  Lord Shiva said that he would restore the fingers if his disciple ever asked, but Swamiji never did."